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Tour Dates

We’re constantly adding new dates so check back with us often.

  • Sep21 Navajo Live Bar Dios Resurrection
  • Sep22 Temecula Wine & Beer Garden Dios Resurrection Free

Meet The Band

Once in a great while, when creative and talented musicians come together…Magic happens.  It’s an energy, a synchronicity, a vibe that can’t be explained.. but can only be felt – both by the artists and the audience.

It’s lightning in a bottle, and Dios Resurrection is one of those extremely rare combinations.


Here’s a current collection of videos from around Southern California tour dates.


Enjoy some recent pictures captured in the lens of the great Ken Hughes.


Latest News

  • We’re Back!

    That's right.   We're back.  We've updated our website and we're ready to rock you...

    View post


Many photos displayed on this websiteare courtesy of
Draghead Photos and Videos

Our heartfelt thanks to Ken Hughes for his photographic excellence.

Draghead photos are used by permission
© 2022-2024 All rights reserved



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© 2024  Dios Resurrection.  All rights reserved.


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